二子玉川ストリートマーケット「ふたこ座」6月 出店のお知らせ


時間:11:00 - 19:00

場所:二子玉川ライズ ガレリア(二子玉川駅出て右手すぐ)


Merrill Golf とのコラボレーションヘッドカバー発売のお知らせ

米国ゴルフブランドのMerrill Golf(カリフォルニア州)と都内のゴルフショップthe Divot STORE(所在地:東京都渋谷区)による特別なポップアップイベントが開催されます。このイベントでは、Merrill Golfの新作アイテムに加え、当店とのコラボレーションで生まれた新作ヘッドカバー(写真)も発売されます。

本商品は、当店の人気商品の一つであるキルティング素材のヘッドカバーをモチーフにMerrill Golfがデザインし、ロゴマークを刺繍した特別なコラボレーションモデルです。当店での販売予定はございませんので、気になる方はぜひこの機会にthe Divot STOREに足をお運びください。

日程 : 2024年5月23日(木)

時間 : 13:00 - 19:00

場所 : the Divot STORE 店内

Merrill Golfから提供頂いた当日の写真をBLOGに掲載いたしました。ご興味がありましたら、是非ご確認ください。

「一番セール」 20%オフクーポンのお知らせ

Northerns Golfをご愛顧頂き誠にありがとうございます。

内容:¥18,700以上お買い上げ時 20%オフ
有効期限:2024/4/1 0:00 - 2024/4/30 23:59

(2024/4/7 更新)



We appreciate your continued support.

To enhance your enjoyment of coordinating your golf bags, we are offering a 20% OFF coupon that can be used when purchasing an equivalent amount of a headcover bundle.

In Japan, the wind that heralds the arrival of spring is called "Haru Ichiban." Why not refresh your headcovers with the arrival of spring?

*If the item is out of stock, please contact us. We apologize for not being able to produce large quantities at once, but we will give top priority to this during the campaign period.

Coupon code: ICHIBAN2024

Details: 20% off for purchases over ¥18,700

Expiration date: From 0:00, April 1, 2024 to 23:59, April 30, 2024 (JST)

(Updated: April 7, 2024)

Thank you very much for your overwhelming support since the start of our sale. However, due to the nature of our handmade products, we regret that we have been unable to fully replenish our stock during the sale period. We sincerely apologize for this situation and, in order to ensure that you can enjoy our sale from a well-stocked inventory, we have decided to extend the sale period until the end of April. Please take your time and enjoy the sale.


Northerns Golfは、株式会社ユニクロが運営する UTme!マーケットにおいてオリジナルTシャツの販売を開始しました。



UTme!マーケット (外部リンク)

Northerns Golf

Original T-shirt sales start announcement

Northerns Golf has started selling original T-shirts on UTme! Market operated by UNIQLO CO., LTD.

Designs are based on simple long sleeve T-shirts with logo marks and will also be available on other items such as tote bags and sweatshirts, allowing customers to purchase their preferred items.

For purchases, please visit the UTme! Market.

UTme! MARKET (external link)

Northerns Golf


Northerns Golfをご愛顧頂き誠にありがとうございます。



Northerns Golf


Northerns Golfをご愛顧頂き誠にありがとうございます。
日本時間 2024年1月1日ご注文分より、配送料を以下の通りに改定いたします。


国内発送: 無料

海外発送: ¥5,300-


国内発送: ¥900-

海外発送: ¥4,000-

- 国内配送料は、2023年の販売開始以降、「未熟な梱包・出荷作業において、決してお客様にご迷惑をかけてはならない」という思いから、当店が全額を負担してまいりました。

- 海外配送料は、国内配送に比べて発生しやすいトラブルにも対応出来るように、海外のお客様にもわかりやすい一律の料金を設定しておりました。




Northerns Golf

Notice of Shipping Fee Revision

Thank you very much for your continued support.
Effective January 1, 2024, we will be revising our shipping fees as follows:

Before Dec 31, 2023 (JST)

Domestic Shipping: Free

International Shipping: ¥5,300

After Jan 1, 2024 (JST)

Domestic Shipping: ¥900

International Shipping: ¥4,000

Background for the revising:

For domestic shipping, since the start of sales in 2023, we have been covering all costs to ensure that our customers are not inconvenienced by any inexperienced packaging or shipping operations.

For international shipping, we have set a clear and uniform fee to accommodate potential issues more effectively compared to domestic shipping and to make it transparent for our international customers.

During the year when the above shipping fees were established, there have been no issues with domestic deliveries, thanks to our commitment to ensuring trouble-free packaging and shipping operations. While there was a slight delay in one international delivery, we promptly communicated with the customer and successfully delivered the products to all customers who placed orders. Additionally, our shipping and packaging operations have become more efficient. Initially, we aimed to ship within 3 business days after payment confirmation, but currently, we can ship on the same or next business day.

Based on the actual costs of packaging and shipping operations in 2023, considering the accumulated shipping records and operational efficiency improvements, we have recalculated the shipping fees for orders placed from January 1, 2024. Please note that we may review shipping fees in the future, but, as in this case, we will provide justification and notify you in advance.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Northerns Golf